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Record ID: e9414b64-03a5-4d5d-bb3c-1e9eca2290cb
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: The Specialist Domestic Violence Court Toolkit
Authors: Standing Together Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Criminal justice responses;Legal issues;Specialist courts
Year: 2006
Publisher: Standing Together Against Domestic Violence
Notes:  The table of contents may be accessed at
A list of publications produced by Standing Together may be viewed at
General overview: This publication is the product of the West London (Hammersmith and Fulham) coordinated integrated response project, Standing Together Against Domestic Violence. It offers a guide to the complexities of this form of court and the processes necessary to ensure an effective outcome.

Discussion: The Specialist Domestic Violence Court Toolkit outlines good practice in establishing a specialist court in conjunction with police, court support and advocacy agencies. The Toolkit complements the earlier Bench Book and Good Practice Guide, targeting magistrates. It outlines recommendations for specialist court protocols, procedures, case-flow strategies, monitoring processes, management structures and accountability and problem-solving mechanisms. Forms, samples and templates are provided in the Toolkit.

* Completing the jigsaw – help-seeking by survivors of domestic violence: what’s the problem?
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