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Record ID: d1658008-4fb5-4279-a3b7-1af5936306ba
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Making waves : attending to lesbian relationship violence
Authors: Bird, Kassa
Keywords: CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Indigenous issues;Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 2003
Publisher: Wayward Concepts
Notes:  Designed to promote awareness and stimulate informed discussion of violence in lesbian relationships, this resource manual provides an overview of the various projects and resources currently available to lesbian victims of violence in Australia and provides an introduction to definitions, incidence, forms and dynamics of lesbian abuse. Some common myths and misconceptions are challenged and the role that discrimination and homophobia play in perpetuating and condoning violence is discussed. Feminist analyses of lesbian violence are examined by selected authors and a compilation of pamphlets, case studies, intervention models and other resources is provided. The specific impact of lesbian violence on Indigenous women, women from non-English speaking backgrounds and children is discussed, and the findings of a survey of attitudes in the lesbian community about violence are presented. A section directed specifically at assisting service providers in responding to violence in lesbian relationships is also included.
Physical description: 122 p.
Appears in Collections:Books

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