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Record ID: 97279d21-e454-47f3-8a45-19bbf2b94b23
Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Lesbian gay bisexual & transgender partner abuse domestic violence resource guide : for Los Angeles County 2002
Authors: Holt, Susan
Deliz, Lizanne
Couchman, Delena
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender
Year: 2002
Publisher: L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center
Notes:  This booklet is a directory of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) programmes and services addressing interpersonal violence in Los Angeles County, USA. It provides information about available services, contact details and website addresses.
Subsequent sections of the booklet are devoted to making services accessible to the LGBT community, identifying culturally sensitive practice, discussing the myths and realities concerned with LGBT domestic violence, and an explanation of LGBT terminology. Personal stories from LGBT people who have experienced domestic violence highlight some of the barriers LGBT people encounter when trying to access services.
Physical description: 31 p.
Appears in Collections:Books

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