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Record ID: feba57fc-0713-497a-96d9-18ccdb4d86af
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Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Responding to sexual assault : the challenge of change
Authors: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ACT) and Australian Federal Police
Year: 2005
Publisher: Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, 2005
Notes:  This report represents the outcome of the Sexual Assault Response Program, which was funded by the ACT Government to look at ways of improving practices and procedures in the ACT criminal justice system as they affect victims of sexual offences. If victims' experience can be improved by means of changes in practices and procedures and the establishment of comprehensive support mechanisms, the victims themselves, and the community generally, will have greater confidence in the criminal justice system's ability to deal adequately with sexual offences. More victims of these offences might be willing to report incidents to police and give evidence. And a change in procedures and how evidence is given in court might lead to more matters being prosecuted. A number of recommendations are made with a view to improving victims' experience while upholding the rights of accused people to the presumption of innocence and a fair trial.
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