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Record ID: 548e4994-ddac-4be2-883f-935b8cd7f1e5
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Type: Non-Fiction
Title: Young people who sexually abuse: Key issues
Authors: Bromfield, Leah
Boyd, Cameron R
Year: 2006
Publisher: Australian Institute of Family Studies
Notes:  Many of the issues discussed in this paper are relevant to sexually abusive behaviour by all young people, regardless of their age. Given the vast majority of sexual abuse is committed by boys and men, in this paper we generally assume we are talking about males. We use the term "young people" to describe adolescents aged 13-17 years. However, children younger than this can harm or distress others by their sexual behaviours, and children aged 10 and over can be held criminally responsible for sexually abusive behaviour in most states and territories (although it is extremely uncommon for children under 15 to face prosecution) (Office for Children, 2005). Police, child protection, treatment providers and the juvenile justice system will adjust their interventions according to the age and developmental level of the young person
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