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Record ID: 700b05b9-ed1b-493c-bd6d-067b3ab740c7
Type: Fact Sheet
Title: Local courts statistics 2000 : AVO’s granted
Authors: Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research
Keywords: Statistics;Legal issues;Protection orders
Categories: Statistics
Year: 2002
Publisher: New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research
Notes:  This fact sheet presents the statistics on AVOs granted by NSW local courts in 2000. Data are presented in table form and are categorised into personal and domestic AVOs granted. Figures for each of New South Wales’ 25 local court jurisdictions are given as total numbers and as a rate per 100,000 population. Excluded from the table are orders where the residence of the person was interstate or where the residence was unknown.
Physical description: 2p
Appears in Collections:Fact Sheets

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