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Record ID: fc3d8016-dd3c-4fc1-88bc-206f38211e24
Type: Fact Sheet
Title: Working with men who use violence against family members
Authors: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Indigenous issues;Perpetrator programs;Cross-cultural;Disability;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse);Perpetrators
Year: 2005
Publisher: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Notes:  "Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Summary Findings From Phase 1"
"For Service Providers"
This fact sheet on working with men who use violence against family members, developed for service providers, is based on findings from Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (PADV). It defines the problem and summarises the different programmes for men who use violence and the different approaches used. It identifies characteristics which promote high-quality programmes for men who use violence, such as: competencies of workers; understanding of the nature of domestic violence; ongoing supervision for programme leaders; accountability to women’s services; training in cross-cultural issues; ongoing support for victims; including female co-facilitators; and recognising the difference between anger management programmes and programmes to change attitudes and violent behaviour. It summarises the key themes arising from the national evaluation of perpetrator programmes. Programme topics for Indigenous offenders were also included. Concerns regarding perpetrators programmes are outlined. Key issues from a literature review, and suggestions regarding future developments, including at the local level, are provided.
Physical description: 5p
Appears in Collections:Fact Sheets

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