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Record ID: d74480cb-2e5e-4742-ab44-7544753c88e8
Type: Fact Sheet
Title: Working with women across the lifespan
Authors: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Overview;Service provision;Regional rural and remote areas;Disability
Year: 2005
Publisher: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Notes:  "Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Summary Findings From Phase 1"
"For Service Providers"
This summary is for service providers, based on findings from the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (PADV). It provides background context, including definition of the problem, and outlines the process of women seeking help from key agencies (police, refuge, counselling, women’s health, income support, accommodation, and legal services). It highlights specific populations of women and their needs (women living in rural and remote areas, older women, and women with a disability). It also suggests a range of actions at the local level.
Physical description: 6p
Appears in Collections:Fact Sheets

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