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Record ID: 5125af4a-01d9-4ac7-99c1-981675a2e3fc
Type: Fact Sheet
Title: Working in rural and remote communities
Authors: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Leaving/Staying;Indigenous issues;Regional rural and remote areas
Year: 2005
Publisher: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Notes:  "Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Summary Findings From Phase 1"
"For Service Providers"
This fact sheet on rural and remote communities is developed for service providers, based on findings from the Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (PADV). It gives background information such as: a higher reported incidence of domestic violence in rural and remote communities; particular groups of women (Indigenous women and women living on farms and stations) within rural and remote communities experiencing high rates of domestic violence. Guns in farming communities have been identified as putting women in domestic violence situations at greater risk. Lack of anonymity makes help-seeking more difficult in rural areas, especially where the male partner may be a colleague or known to police or other authorities within the town. Geographical isolation can make leaving almost impossible and access to finances is difficult for women in rural areas. Services in rural areas are also limited. It includes a list of key points related to the development of good practice in rural and remote areas.
Physical description: 5p
Appears in Collections:Fact Sheets

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