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Record ID: d061f956-9d54-4ab9-93e8-b617efe21c9d
Type: Fact Sheet
Title: Working to address indigenous family violence
Authors: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Keywords: Early intervention;Community development;Prevention;Regional rural and remote areas;Community education;Service provision;Interagency work;Indigenous issues
Year: 2005
Publisher: Partnerships Against Domestic Violence
Notes:  "Partnerships Against Domestic Violence Summary Findings From Phase 1"
"For Service Providers"
This fact sheet on addressing Indigenous family violence is developed for service providers based on findings from Partnerships Against Domestic Violence (PADV). It identifies the multi-causal factors for the high rates of violence in Indigenous communities: marginalisation and dispossession; loss of land and traditional culture; breakdown of community kinship systems and Aboriginal law; entrenched poverty and racism. It outlines the incidence of family violence in Australian Indigenous communities, and describes prevention and early intervention programmes such as Port Youth Theatre Workshop (Yipti (sic) – fun with feelings): Warritti One and the Yipti Project. It also highlights key learnings from community education and development campaigns, and collaboration projects by the Bourke Family Support Service and Anglicare Kunanurra. Learnings from projects undertaken with men who perpetrated violence in Indigenous communities and projects on community capacity building are also included.
Physical description: 5p
Appears in Collections:Fact Sheets

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