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Record ID: 98d50871-f2ec-41d9-8b6b-1c06dd951d20
Type: Fact Sheet
Title: Maternal alienation fact sheet
Authors: Women's Health Statewide
Keywords: Impact on children and young people;Perpetrators;Parenting;Child protection;Psychological abuse
Year: 2003
Publisher: Women's Health Statewide
Notes:  Summarises information on maternal alienation, a process by which a man who is violent within his family alienates children from their mother as part of his abuse. This alienation is emotional abuse, which simultaneously abuses both a woman and her children. It occurs both within situations of domestic violence and child sexual abuse. Presents evidence about this form of abuse from research, and outlines the effects on women and on children. Describes the Maternal Alienation Project which was set up in Adelaide in 2002 to inform professionals about this form of abuse.
Physical description: 6p
Appears in Collections:Fact Sheets

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