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Record ID: 8982624c-5771-416b-9903-2f294fe66a05
Type: Fact Sheet
Title: Myths about violence within gay and lesbian relationships
Authors: Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of NSW
Keywords: Gay/lesbian/transgender;Client resources
Year: 2004
Publisher: Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of NSW
Notes:  Part of an information package compiled by the Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of New South Wales, this document exposes ten common myths about violence in gay and lesbian couples, providing a more factual and empirically-based perspective. Some of the misconceptions that are challenged include the idea that gay/lesbian violence is sexual and therefore not really ‘violence’, and that violence in gay/lesbian relationships is somehow ‘exaggerated’.
Physical description: 2p
Appears in Collections:Fact Sheets

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