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Record ID: de854a6e-5a9b-488f-8de0-b91dbd8f21fc
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Dating violence : information from the National Clearinghouse on family violence
Authors: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence
Keywords: Dating violence;Sexual assault
Topic: Sexual violence
Year: 2008
Publisher: National Clearinghouse on Family Violence, Ottawa
Notes:  Overview: This resource by Health Canada is aimed at teenagers and the general public, providing information about dating violence and advice.

Discussion: The document defines dating violence and the conditions in which it is likely to happen, such as when alcohol is consumed. It defines sexual abuse, physical abuse and emotional abuse. The document outlines the type of behaviour involved and underlying motivations for violent behaviour, such as control, jealousy, and discusses the extent of the problem.

The paper debunks common myths surrounding dating violence. A table is used to present the myth and the corresponding reality derived from data and research. The document outlines warning signs of the potential for physical and sexual violence, such as dominant and control behaviours, possessiveness and former abuse. It also provides information about means reducing risk.

Finally, the document discusses ways of seeking help and taking action to end or escape dating violence and lists (Canadian) places to seek help. A list of suggested reading and audio-visual resources completes the information.
ISBN: 9780662235927
Physical description: 9p
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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