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Record ID: 7b8a3d12-f2ff-48d7-9f38-e13415035aca
Type: Journal Article
Title: Tip of the iceberg: reporting and gender-based violence in developing countries
Other Titles: American journal of epidemiology
Authors: Bleck, Jennifer
Peterman, Amber
Palermo, Tia
Keywords: Measurement;Informal responses
Year: 2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Citation: 179 (5), 1 March 2014
Notes:  This journal article reports on a survey of more than 284,000 women in 124 countries conducted between 2004 and 2011 to determine rates of reporting of intimate partner violence (IPV). The authors found that 40% of women who experienced IPV disclosed this information, but only 7% reported it to a formal source.

Based on this information, the authors conclude that IPV prevalence data obtained by health or police departments is likely to underestimate the extent of IPV. Additionally, the authors suggest that there is a difference between women who report IPV and those who do not, and recognition of this distinction would be useful to the design of interventions in IPV.
ISSN: 0002-9262
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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