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Record ID: 1812aead-848b-408b-8351-683e7efdf104
Type: Journal Article
Title: Wisconsin's violence death reporting system: monitoring and responding to Wisconsin's violent deaths
Other Titles: Wisconsin medical journal
Authors: Katcher, Murray L
Glysch, Randall L
Hale, Linda J
Nie, Carrie
Hargarten, Stephen W
Keywords: Policy;Homicide;Prevention;Interagency work
Year: 2005
Publisher: State Medical Society of Wisconsin.
Citation: 104 (1), 2005
Notes:  This article describes the development of WVDRS (Wisconsin’s Violent Death Reporting System) and its importance in understanding and preventing violent injury and death in Wisconsin, USA. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention awarded a grant to the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services to be involved in a multistate project (National Violent Death Reporting Systems, NVDRS). The aim of the project is to link violent death records (death certificates, police reports, medical examiner and coroner reports, crime laboratories, and child fatality review teams) from the same event in order to promote timely information retrieval, provide detailed circumstances that may have contributed to the violent death, and identify and characterise perpetrators and their relationships to victims. When analysed, the linked data will assist medical examiners and coroners, and crime lab investigators to respond efficiently to public inquiries. Law enforcement will be able to examine statistics for neighbourhoods, regions and the state, to understand issues related to homicides, to better enforce and review crime interventions. Community organisations will be able to assess, design, implement and evaluate violence and suicide prevention programmes. Policy makers will also be able to identify effective prevention strategies to guide funding and legislative reforms.
ISSN: 0043-6542
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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