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Record ID: 380bdae6-ddff-4329-be8a-ce76e7a45317
Type: Journal Article
Title: Why extending measurements of 'success' in domestic violence perpetrator programmes matters for social work
Other Titles: British journal of social work
Authors: Westmarland, Nicole
Kelly, Liz
Keywords: Perpetrator programs;Perpetrators
Year: 2013
Publisher: British Association of Social Workers
Citation: 43 (6), September 2013
Notes:  This journal article focuses on perpetrator programs in the United Kingdom (UK). The authors argue that a re-characterisation of the meaning of 'success' is necessary when evaluating the outcomes of perpetrator programs. They argue that the meaning of 'success' should be extended beyond the criminal justice system to include implications for the health and social care of perpetrators and their victims. This re-characterisation would broaden the debate from the limited understanding of 'success' as ending physical violence to include improved communication between ex-partners, the empowerment of victims, safety and freedom or women and their children, shared parenting and men's enhanced awareness of the impact of domestic violence.
ISSN: 0045-3102
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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