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Record ID: 534d7215-5e60-497e-a6ea-3a01cb1bfc1d
Type: Journal Article
Title: The predictive impact of domestic violence on three types of child maltreatment
Other Titles: Child abuse & neglect
Authors: McGuigan, William M
Pratt, Clara C
Keywords: Child protection;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2001
Publisher: Pergamon Press
Citation: 25 (7), July 2001
Notes:  This study examined the co-occurrence of domestic violence and physical child abuse, psychological child abuse and child neglect. The information was obtained from families participating in the Oregon Healthy Start, a child maltreatment prevention programme. In all, 2544 at-risk mothers with newborns were interviewed, and data collection was made until the first-born reached five years of age (when maltreatment was confirmed within the first six months). The findings reveal a significant relationship between domestic violence and the three types of child maltreatment analysed. Some form of child maltreatment was found in 14 % of the 410 families who experienced domestic violence.
ISSN: 0145-2134
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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