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Record ID: ba7c2f53-258f-4099-8267-baa88430deb0
Type: Journal Article
Title: Violence, control, romance and gender equality: young women and heterosexual relationships
Other Titles: Women's studies international forum
Authors: Chung, Donna
Keywords: Theories of violence;Dating violence;Sexual assault
Topic: Sexual violence
Year: 2005
Publisher: Pergamon Press
Citation: 28, 2005
Notes:  This Australian study presents the analysis of the practices of heterosexuality based on interviews with 45 young people (25 females and 15 males) and dating relationships, which show gendered power relations, inequality and violence. The findings suggest that gender inequality and intimate violence are common in young people’s dating relationships. It also looks at feminist theories in the areas of sexuality, gender relations and gendered violence, and finds that heterosexual dominance reproduces gender inequality, as well as individualises and minimises relationship violence. The interviews show that young people use a discourse of equality to explain their sexual relations but disguise the power relations that shape their intimate heterosexual interactions, and, also, do not challenge existing gender hierarchy.
ISSN: 0277-5395
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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