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Record ID: 5e27c7a2-bf9e-4bf8-a248-582ad104a0bd
Type: Journal Article
Title: The association between child abuse and other family violence
Other Titles: Australian social work
Authors: Goddard, Chris
Stanley, Janet
Keywords: Overview;Child protection;Theories of violence
Year: 1993
Publisher: Australian Association of Social Workers
Citation: 46 (2), June 1993
Notes:  Outlines the research design and findings of an exploratory study in Victoria that examined the tendency for multiple forms of violence and abuse to occur within the same family. Research to date into concurrently occurring violence is reviewed and the fragmented state of the literature in this area is noted. A significant proportion of the 20 child abusive families who participated in the study were found to have members whose patterns of violent behaviour extended beyond the family itself, into the community – for example, child abuse occurring concurrently with violent behaviour in the abused child; or spousal violence occurring concurrently with violent interactions between adults and other community members. Suggests that further research into the relationships between and extent of all the forms of violence occurring within families is necessary if theory is to mature.
ISSN: 0312-407X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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