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Record ID: d1440563-0ebe-48c5-a5af-b228e6912459
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Type: Journal Article
Title: The Winnipeg Family Violence Court [English] [French]
Other Titles: Juristat
Authors: Ursel, E. Jane
Keywords: Statistics;Criminal justice responses
Year: 1994
Publisher: Statistics Canada, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics
Citation: 14 (2), May 1994
Notes:  Winnipeg Family Violence Court in Canada was established in 1990 to deal with first appearances, remands, guilty pleas and trials for domestic violence, child abuse and elder abuse cases. Report is based upon 4,080 family violence cases processed through the first two years of the court’s existence. Discusses case characteristics, court processing, and sentencing. Asserts the Winnipeg Family Violence Court is an pioneering experiment in justice.
ISSN: 0715-271X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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