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Record ID: 68386ab6-5616-49ee-aff9-4c2204a5ff5a
Type: Journal Article
Title: Targets of partner violence: the importance of understanding coping trajectories
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Capezza, Nicole M
Arriaga, Ximena B
Keywords: Prevention;Perpetrators;Theories of violence;Leaving/Staying;Community attitudes
Year: 2005
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 20 (1), January 2005
Notes:  Focusing on the target of intimate partner violence, the article discusses advances in prevention of partner violence, advances in stopping partner violence, e.g. couples therapy or legal interventions, and, finally, research into healing the targets of violence. Defines ‘intimate terrorism’ and ‘common couple violence’ and differentiates between the two scenarios in discussing help strategies. Suggests that more than assistance is required in leaving a violent relationship, that an understanding of why women choose to stay is essential before meaningful help can be offered, and that knowledge of the coping strategies used by women in abusive relationships is necessary in order to design effective approaches to helping them attain self-sufficiency. Concludes that future research should focus on the development of theoretical models which explain the different phases of coping and predict when a woman will seek self-sufficiency, and that focusing on the women will lead to a change in community perceptions, resulting in greater support for them.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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