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Record ID: 8599cecf-9a1a-4d10-afb2-85de38e26e21
Type: Journal Article
Title: The roles of victim and perpetrator alcohol use in intimate partner violence outcomes
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Kingree, J. B
Thompson, Martie P
Keywords: Drug and alcohol misuse;Policing
Year: 2006
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 21 (2), February 2006
Notes:  US researchers examined the relationship between alcohol use and the outcomes of intimate partner violence (IPV) (i.e. the incidence and extent of injury). While there has been research on the incidence of IPV and alcohol use, this is the first study to examine whether alcohol use affects the likelihood and severity of violence. The study used data from the National Violence Against Women Survey: Tjaden and Thoennes 2000 which used a sample of 8000 men and 8000 women selected at random and interviewed on the telephone. The study also examined the correlation between alcohol use and the likelihood of the victim reporting the incident to police. Results showed that female victims of abuse by male perpetrators under the influence of alcohol were more likely to be injured than if the male had not been drinking. However, where the perpetrator was female, alcohol had no effect on the likelihood of injury to a male victim. Generally, perpetrator alcohol use was more predictive of IPV victimisation than victim alcohol use. For male IPV victims, their own alcohol use reduced the likelihood of reporting to police, whereas the use of alcohol by female perpetrators increased the likelihood of male victims reporting an incident. For women, alcohol use did not appear to be predictive of reporting to police whether as victims or perpetrators. The authors argued that the incidence of reporting is important because, if a victim reports a violent incident to the police, their psychological outcomes are improved, and it also reduces the chance of a repeat offence by the perpetrator.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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