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Record ID: 05e182ab-231b-4e2e-9f29-1aabaa625577
Type: Journal Article
Title: Victims' voices: domestic assault victims' perceptions of police demeanour
Other Titles: Journal of interpersonal violence
Authors: Stephens, B. Joyce
Sinden, Peter G
Keywords: Policing
Year: 2000
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 15 (5), May 2000
Notes:  American study investigating 25 domestic violence victims’ perceptions of the attitudes of the police as expressed in their behaviour toward the victim and perpetrator. Identifies four common police attitudes that undermined the victim’s satisfaction with them: minimising the situation, disbelieving the victim, attitudes of indifference and the macho cop. Concludes that victims want police to listen to and believe their story of abuse, to show empathy, and to treat the victim as worthy of police concern, intervention and protection.
ISSN: 0886-2605
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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