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Record ID: 8a091cb0-5304-4207-ad90-d95781fb0791
Type: Journal Article
Title: State standards for domestic violence perpetrator treatment: current status, trends, and recommendations
Other Titles: Violence and victims
Authors: Maiuro, Roland D
Eberle, Jane A
Keywords: Perpetrators
Year: 2008
Publisher: Springer Publishing
Citation: 23 (2), 2008
Notes:  We empirically surveyed and analyzed existing standards for the treatment of perpetrators of domestic violence across the United States. Specific areas examined included: presence and scope; administrative entity for certifying; screening and risk assessment protocols; minimum length of treatment; theoretical or conceptual orientation; treatment content; preferred or allowable modalities of treatment; whether research findings are mentioned; methods for revising standards; and minimum education and training required for providers. We examined trends using several methods including comparisons between present and previous survey data (Maiuro et al., 2001). Positive trends were evident including increased use of multivariate models of treatment content, use of an intake assessment prior to treatment, use of a danger/lethality assessment to manage risk, recognition of the need for program evaluation and supportive research, and the requirement of a minimum level of formal education as a prerequisite for providers. We identify specific areas for further research and development and make recommendations for improving existing practice and standards of care [?2008 Springer. All rights reserved. For further information, visit Violence and Victims.]
ISSN: 0886-6708
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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