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Record ID: 3ec522e9-80bd-4d6f-befa-95af3f6149a3
Type: Journal Article
Title: Utilization of counseling and supportive services by female victims of domestic violence
Other Titles: Violence and victims
Authors: Henning, Kris R
Klesges, Lisa M
Keywords: Counselling
Year: 2002
Publisher: Springer Publishing
Citation: 17 (5), October 2002
Notes:  A number of services have been developed to address the physical and psychological impact of domestic violence on women. Nevertheless, some women are reluctant to utilise these services. In this US study, 1,746 women who have reported various physical assaults and psychological abuse perpetrated by the their (same) intimate partner were interviewed. It was found that only 14.9 per cent of the women had ever sought formal counselling or supportive services to address the abuse. All the socio-demographic variables identified, such as age and race, had statistically significant relationships with victims’ utilisation of the aforementioned services.
ISSN: 0886-6708
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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