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Record ID: 58d672e3-2c05-4fdf-81b1-cfd69d59b3fa
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Victorian Indigenous family violence strategy.
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Yarram, Daphne
Year: 2003
Citation: No 9 Vol.: 16
Notes:  The article provides an overview of issues relating to Indigenous family violence and outlines the work of the Indigenous Family Violence Task Force . The causes of family violence lie in the history and impacts of white settlement and the structural violence of race relations since then which contribute to high levels of distress within Indigenous communities. Solutions to family violence lie within Indigenous communities themselves and an Indigenous led strategy is required for the development of an appropriate and effective response.
Author's Address:
Chairperson, Victorian Indigenous Family Violence Strategy Task Force
Parity, Vol. 16, No. 9, Oct 2003: 14-15
ISSN: 1032-6170
Physical description: Pages 14-15
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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