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Record ID: 063e834b-207f-467e-a4ff-d794e4469f27
Type: Journal Article
Title: Walan jineras - moving forward
Other Titles: Parity
Authors: Anders, Wendy
Keywords: Housing;Indigenous issues
Year: 2001
Publisher: Council to Homeless Persons
Citation: 14 (2), March 2001
Notes:  Special issue title 'Out of the fire: domestic violence and homelessness'
Also published as DVIRC Newsletter Autumn Edition, February 2001
Provides a background to the development of Walan Jineras (Strong Women), a networking resource for Aboriginal refuge workers in New South Wales providing a voice for Indigenous women who are victims of domestic violence. Operating from a feminist perspective, it aims to empower, educate and enable indigenous women to take control of their own lives through providing them with the resources and opportunity to develop their own strategies. Recognises the need for Aboriginal workers in refuges, identifying some of the problems associated with this and argues that encouraging more indigenous women to take on such work would be a step towards addressing both unemployment and violence in indigenous communities in a culturally appropriate and effective way.
ISSN: 1032-6170
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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