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Record ID: 7379444c-6a37-43a9-aca1-69405f071b25
Type: Journal Article
Title: Survival is not enough: violence against older women in Australia
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Mears, Jane
Keywords: Older people;Health
Year: 2003
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 9 (12), December 2003
Notes:  Provides an overview of recent developments with respect to research, practice and policy on abuse of older women in Australia before presenting the methodology and results of the Older Women Speak Up Project, an action research project designed to empower older women and encourage them to share their stories. The findings reveal elder abuse of women to be a major problem with numerous health and emotional consequences. The study also demonstrates however that victims of elder abuse develop a range of coping strategies and help-seeking behaviours. A central theme that emerged from the project was that the opportunity to tell one’s story can be an empowering experience for many women.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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