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Record ID: 66df6f9e-eeb3-441f-8a00-a12df327ba25
Type: Journal Article
Title: Weaving a tangled safety net: the intergenerational legacy of domestic violence and poverty
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Purvin, Diane M
Keywords: Welfare;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2003
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 9 (10), October 2003
Notes:  Utilising the case study of ‘Isabella’, a participant in a three city US study of low-income earners, this article explores the ways in which domestic violence, poverty and welfare structures can create a situation whereby exposure to abuse during childhood can enhance one’s vulnerability to violence and poverty in later life. Comparisons between Isabella’s story and other participants in the study are then drawn and some common themes identified.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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