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Record ID: 48ffa3b2-ad2c-46bf-a92f-7e677e06232b
Type: Journal Article
Title: Women's experience of violence during stalking by former romantic partners
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Roberts, Karl A
Keywords: Stalking
Year: 2005
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 11 (1), January 2005
Notes:  Presents the methodology and results of a UK study that aimed to identify factors predictive of violent behaviour by stalkers. A short questionnaire was given to a sample population of 220 female undergraduate students from the University of Teeside who had been stalked by a male student with whom they had had a dating relationship. While over 60% of women received threats of violence while being stalked, only 36% experienced physical violence. Logistic regression analysis was used to measure the connection between individual variables and whether the woman experienced physical violence. Eleven predictor variables are discussed and the factors shown to be the strongest predictors of violence include: when the stalker was a user of illegal drugs; when the stalker was jealous of the victim’s relationships with others during their relationship; and when the stalker made direct threats of violence. A comprehensive list of references is included.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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