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Record ID: 330da6cb-864a-4ba6-ac6e-47e28658e28d
Type: Journal Article
Title: Women's resources and use of strategies as risk and protective factors for reabuse over time
Other Titles: Violence against women
Authors: Weinfurt, Kevin
Goodman, Lisa
Dutton, Mary Ann
Vankos, Natalie
Keywords: Informal responses;Risk factors;Cross-cultural;Policy
Year: 2005
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: 11 (3), March 2005
Notes:  This article presents the findings from a longitudinal and ecological study which examined the relationships between women’s material and emotional resources and strategies, and their ability to stay safe over time. The study involved a sample of 406 help-seeking African American women in the US. A literature review is provided. The multivariate analysis shows that social support was a protective factor and resistance strategies as risk factors for re-abuse during a one-year period. Interaction is found between social support and history of violence: with participants who had experienced the most severe violence, social support did not act as a protective factor. For participants with the least social support, they had a 65% predicted probability of re-abuse compared to a 20% predicted probability for women with the highest level of social support. Implications for policy and programmes are discussed.
ISSN: 1077-8012
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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