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Record ID: 7821c236-5529-40e0-81af-3bcaa499eca9
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Twenty-five years of change in working with partner abusers – part I: observations from the trenches about community and system-level changes
Other Titles: Journal of aggression, maltreatment & trauma
Authors: Hamberger, L Kevin
Keywords: Perpetrator programs
Year: 2008
Publisher: Haworth Maltreatment & Trauma Press
Citation: 16 (4), 2008
Notes:  The author reflects on 25 years of experience working in perpetrator intervention programs in the USA to examine the origination and changes in "batterer" treatment programs including the impacts from mandatory arrest, development of program standards, and the advent of provider associations specifically for perpetrators.
ISSN: 1092-6771
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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