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Record ID: 7fe91707-45e7-4117-8ab9-bdb647e07e14
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Women’s violence and its context: preliminary analysis from a women’s Stopping Violence programme
Other Titles: Te Awatea Review
Authors: Dennehy, Glennis
Keywords: Drug and alcohol misuse;Mental health;Men as victims;Perpetrators;Theories of violence
Population: People with drug and/or alcohol issues
Year: 2005
Publisher: Te Awatea Violence Research Centre, University of Canterbury
Citation: 3 (2), December 2005
Notes:  This article looks at the issue of women as perpetrators of violence and the theories to explain female violence, and considers their relevance in relation to 92 women accepted into an urban-based stopping violence programme at Stopping Violence Services (SVS) in Christchurch, New Zealand. Preliminary analysis of intake data shows the majority of women in the SVS programmes were either victims or survivors of male violence and in some cases, childhood sexual abuse. Many suffered from depression or alcohol/drug problems. These findings indicate the need for research into female violence to explore contextual elements and precipitating events. The thematic data indicated factors that may facilitate female violence such as the presence of parental domestic violence during childhood; surviving childhood sexual abuse; foster care; current or past violent and abusive relationships; depression; and current or past problems with alcohol and drug use.
ISSN: 1176-5259
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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