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Record ID: 2a97d1e9-bbd8-4b4b-ba8c-83a2f4731071
Type: Journal Article
Title: The future of family violence prevention networks
Other Titles: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre Newsletter
Authors: Munzel, Cheryl
Keywords: Prevention;Interagency work;Community development
Categories: Prevention
Year: 2005
Publisher: Domestic Violence & Incest Resource Centre
Citation: (2), Winter 2005
Notes:  This reports on the expiry of funding arrangements for the Family Violence Prevention Program in Victoria in September 2005, and the likely impact on local family violence prevention activities in Victoria. It also looks at the role that Networkers play in coordinating regional prevention work. It gives a history of the Family Violence Prevention Network Program and its value. To demonstrate the value of networks, the example of Victoria Police is used, where in 12 months since the launch of the Victoria Police Code of Practice for the Investigation of Family Violence, networks have taken an important part in its implementation. This includes: providing Family Violence Liaison Officers and Advisors with established consultative community networks; and helping them to research and identify local issues, trends and incidents of family violence.
ISSN: 1324-4264
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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