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Record ID: c70b6c2c-569b-4257-b5aa-a119f1c6246f
Type: Journal Article
Title: Sexual assault crisis care: making the most of rural partnerships
Other Titles: Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal
Authors: Mason, Robyn
Keywords: Regional rural and remote areas;Sexual assault
Year: 2001
Publisher: CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)
Citation: (10), July 2001
Notes:  Reviews recent literature pertaining to violence against women within the context of rural Australia and situates the development of the Ballarat Centre Against Sexual Assault (CASA), a 24 hour crisis care service in Victoria, against this backdrop. Recounts the various political and bureaucratic struggles encountered in the course of establishing, maintaining and improving the service and outlines three key principles of effective and feminist orientated service development in rural areas, which have emerged from the CASA experience. Firstly, the importance of remaining part of a wider network, developing state-wide protocols and maintaining contact with sources of professional and administrative support. Secondly, developing and extending local networks. Lastly, coordination and cooperation with allied health services. Concludes that although these strategies are important, they are not compatible with all services and must remain flexible.
ISSN: 1327-5550
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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