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Record ID: 8fbf8acc-720a-45db-9748-6d544d6fd652
Type: Journal Article
Title: The psychological impact of sexual slavery of trafficked women: parallels with torture, sexual abuse and domestic violence
Other Titles: Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal
Authors: Rousseaux, Felicity
Keywords: Sexual assault;Human rights;Psychological abuse;Mental health
Year: 2003
Publisher: CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)
Citation: (14), July 2003
Notes:  Discusses some of the key features of the impact of forced sexual slavery on trafficked women and children and attempts to draw parallels between these and other forms of interpersonal trauma. Risk and resilience factors and other factors influencing the impact of trauma on individuals, such as the nature of the trauma involved and the developmental stage of the victim are identified and it is suggested that women who are victims of trafficking and sexual slavery demonstrate similar responses to their trauma as women who experience sexual abuse, torture and/or domestic violence. Suggests that the knowledge and experience of services directed at the latter forms of abuse could inform the work of agencies combating the former.
ISSN: 1327-5550
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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