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Record ID: c51d6e10-3edb-4cea-86bc-2fe53e697312
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Violence against women with disabilities: an overview of the literature
Other Titles: Women against violence : an Australian feminist journal
Authors: Howe, Keran
Keywords: Overview;Disability
Population: People with disability
Year: 1999
Publisher: CASA House (Centre Against Sexual Assault)
Citation: (7), December 1999
Notes:  Provides an overview of both Australian and overseas literature in relation to women with disabilities and violence in the period between 1990 and 1999. Explores the meaning of disability from an individualised medical perspective and as a social construct; the extent and nature of violence against women with disabilities; barriers to service response; and feminist explanations of violence against women with disabilities.
ISSN: 1327-5550
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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