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Record ID: 67f59dba-3c6d-48d7-97ae-4ddddc52d31f
Type: Journal Article
Title: Why do battered women stay?: three decades of research
Other Titles: Aggression and violent behavior
Authors: Rhodes, Nancy R
McKenzie, Eva Baranoff
Keywords: Leaving/Staying
Year: 1998
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Citation: 3 (4), 1998
Notes:  Literature review of research undertaken in the last 30 years examining domestic violence and battered women. Outlines quantitative and qualitative data, and research which has taken sociological, psychopathological, cognitive, behavioural and environmental perspectives. Finds contradictions throughout the findings. Research does not seem to support a typical battered woman profile. Recommends changes in theoretical approaches of research to better understand the areas surrounding why women do leave (rather than focusing on why they stay), and the options available to them. Identifies the need to broaden the concept of battered women in clinical work, and to recognise that they do not comprise a homogenous group.
ISSN: 1359-1789
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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