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Record ID: 92f8e52d-97a5-4134-9da0-f2064f6b9658
Type: Journal Article
Title: Talking to my mum: strengthening relationships between mothers and children in the aftermath of family violence
Other Titles: Developing practice : the child youth and family work journal
Authors: Humphreys, Catherine
Keywords: Interagency work;Impact on children and young people;Parenting
Year: 2007
Publisher: Association of Childrens Welfare Agencies
Citation: (19), Winter/Spring 2007
Notes:  Overview: This article from the United Kingdom (UK) posits that family violence represents not only an attack on the victim but also on the relationship between a mother and her children. The article gives an overview of a research project undertaken in the UK, designed to develop activities to strengthen the damaged relationship between mother and children in the context of family violence.

The three year project developed and tested activities with women and children and produced two different books for children under nine and nine and over. The author recommends that the divide between children’s services and women’s services be overcome. It is recommended that mother and children programs for victims of family violence extend beyond traditional ‘parenting programs’, and provide a space to debrief and discuss the impact of violence and abuse.
ISSN: 1445-6818
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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