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Record ID: 211a05aa-bb33-4f04-96a3-e10b0eac8a81
Type: Journal Article
Title: The power of healing in the yarn
Other Titles: International journal of narrative therapy and community work
Authors: Towney, Larry Maxwell
Keywords: Indigenous issues;CALD (culturally and linguistically diverse)
Year: 2005
Publisher: Dulwich Centre Publications
Citation: (1), 2005
Notes:  Overview:This article discusses the work of the author in delivering a culturally appropriate program at the Eleanor Duncan Aboriginal Health Centre on the Central Coast of New South Wales to men to address anti-social behaviour.

The tactic of using men’s groups as a means to restore cultural identity and build men’s pride and self-confidence has resulted in anecdotal evidence of a reduction in drug and alcohol use and criminal behaviour. An evaluation carried out in Bourke, NSW pointed to the men’s group as a major factor in the reduction of family violence there.
ISSN: 1446-5019
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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