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Record ID: ab69e55b-d7e8-4a37-b14a-2bc3e99786ca
Type: Journal Article
Title: Tackling domestic abuse
Other Titles: SAFE : The domestic abuse quarterly
Authors: Moore, Brian
Keywords: Specialist courts;Interagency work;Risk assessment;Criminal justice responses;Homicide;Policing
Year: 2007
Publisher: Women's Aid Federation of England
Citation: 22, Summer 2007
Notes:  General Overview: This article offers an insider’s perspective of UK policing strategies, with a focus on the prevention of domestic violence homicide.

Discussion: Deputy Chief Constable Brian Moore identifies a variety of gaps in the way police and other agencies collectively respond to domestic abuse. He argues that a lack of information sharing is the most significant impediment to reducing domestic violence homicide and serious injury, and calls for agencies to work together more closely to address this issue. He cites the introduction of Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences as an example of information sharing which has improved the response to domestic violence. Moore also advocates: greater consistency in the application of risk assessment tools within the police service; the establishment of Specialist Domestic Violence Courts; an improved criminal/civil law interface; and more extensive police training.
ISSN: 1476-2455
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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