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Record ID: a9828eda-70fc-4431-ba5e-60ea09c59796
Type: Journal Article
Title: Unmasking what should be seen: a study of the prevalence of domestic violence in the London Borough of Hackney
Other Titles: International review of victimology
Authors: Stanko, Elizabeth A
Keywords: Statistics
Year: 2000
Publisher: A B Academic Publishers
Citation: 7 (1-3), 2000
Notes:  Presents the methodology and findings of a study aimed at estimating the prevalence of domestic violence in the London Borough of Hackney, UK. The research was conducted in conjunction with a broader project which explored the social and economic costs of violence in the same community. Data were drawn primarily from records of service providers, including police, housing services, social and health services. Concludes that approximately 1 in 9 Hackney women experienced domestic violence in the year 1996.
ISSN: 2697580
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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