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Record ID: 005a375f-b680-4efb-836c-7c998ebc0883
Type: Journal Article
Title: Vicarious traumatisation of counsellors and effects on their workplaces
Other Titles: British journal of guidance & counselling
Authors: Sexton, Leo
Keywords: Theories of violence;Counselling
Year: 1999
Publisher: Careers Research and Advisory Centre
Citation: 27 (3), August 1999
Notes:  Provides a critical analysis of current literature and research into the reaction of therapists to clients’ traumatic experiences, identifying countertransference, compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatisation as the prominent theoretical approaches to explaining these responses. Discusses some of the negative consequences, for counsellors and organisations, of working with traumatised clients and proposes various strategies for management and prevention of this phenomenon, at both an individual and structural level. Concludes that while empathic engagement with clients is an essential element of therapy, recognition of the professional stress which very often accompanies it is equally important.
ISSN: 3069885
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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