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Record ID: 29d7c5a5-a0e5-4842-bce1-a6113e21d4cb
Type: Journal Article
Title: The impact of family and community violence on children’s depression trajectories: examining the interactions of violence exposure, family social support, and gender
Other Titles: Journal of family psychology
Authors: Sullivan, Cris M
Greeson, Megan
Kennedy, Angie C
Bybee, Deborah
Keywords: Mental health;Impact on children and young people
Year: 2010
Publisher: American Psychological Association
Citation: 24 (2), 2010
Notes:  Overview:This US study looks at the relationships between witnessing intimate partner violence, exposure to community and school violence, family support networks, gender and depression in a group of 100 school-aged children over a 2 year period. The longitudinal analysis found that depression was positively correlated to witnessing intimate partner violence and exposure to community and school violence and negatively correlated to variation in social support. Both gender and initial levels of support were found to moderate the course of depression.
ISSN: 8933200
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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