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Record ID: 5745ed2b-2560-4d32-98bb-9babe6c57bf0
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Student experiences of domestic violence: assessment and response
Other Titles: Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association
Authors: Wright, Judy
Keywords: Mental health;Perpetrators;Counselling;Screening
Year: 2013
Publisher: Australia & New Zealand Student Services Association Inc.
Citation: (41), April 2013
Notes:  This journal article explores the link between depression, anxiety or relationship concerns in first year female tertiary students in Australia and domestic violence perpetrated by current or former intimate partners. The author presents results of her routine screening of female clients of a university counselling service which demonstrate that link. She also provides a set of guidelines to assist counsellors in screening for domestic violence in cases where female or male students are seeking help for anxiety-related or depressive feelings.
ISSN: 13202480
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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