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Record ID: 4d36e1d1-90a1-491a-91af-57b938ee1943
Type: Journal Article
Title: Unravelling the law
Other Titles: HIV Australia
Authors: Aldis, Sian
Keywords: Legal issues;Health
Year: 2003
Publisher: Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
Citation: 2 (4), June-August 2003
Notes:  Highlights some of the difficulties victims of HIV/AIDS face in attempting to utilise the legal system, placing specific emphasis on the experiences of women. A background to the development of the HIV/AIDS Legal Centre resource, Unravelling the Law: A Resource for Positive Women, is provided and an overview of key legal documents and issues relating to confidentiality of health records, access to reproductive technology, domestic/family violence, pregnancy, childbirth and childrearing for HIV positive women is presented.
ISSN: 14460319
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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