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Record ID: 8e3037ba-4c11-46d8-b458-d5e4dc80fff4
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Type: Journal Article
Title: Violence Against Homeless Women: Safety and Social Policy
Other Titles: Aust Soc Work
Authors: Murray, S
Year: 2011
Citation: No 3 Vol.: 64
Notes:  Over the past 20 years there has been increasing understanding of the gendered nature of homelessness in Australia. Most significantly, this gendering has occurred through the acknowledgement of the links between domestic violence and homelessness and this has played out in Australian social policy through the funding of specialist domestic violence services. However, not all women are assisted by these specialist services-either because they are not homeless due to domestic violence, or because they fall through the gaps in the service system. Homelessness exposes these women to heightened vulnerability to violence. This article considers homeless women's experiences of violence and their implications for homelessness policy. Framed by Australian and Victorian social policy and drawing on a qualitative study of 29 women, all of whom had experienced violence during homelessness, the article argues that greater policy attention needs to be paid to ensuring homeless women's safety.
Electronic Resource Number:
Doi 10.1080/0312407x.2011.552983
Author's Address:
Murray, SRMIT Univ, Ctr Appl Social Res, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Vic 3001, AustraliaRMIT Univ, Ctr Appl Social Res, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne, Vic 3001, AustraliaRMIT Univ, Ctr Appl Social Res, Melbourne, Vic 3001, Australia
878PJTimes Cited:0Cited References Count:55
ISSN: 14470748
Physical description: Pages 346-360
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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