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Record ID: a41bb0ec-6285-4808-9893-4ae67a0e88f6
Type: Journal Article
Title: Training police officers about elder abuse: training needs and strategies
Other Titles: International Perspectives in Victimology
Authors: King, Patricia S
Payne, Brian K
Manaois, Andrew
Keywords: Older people;Training;Policing
Year: 2009
Publisher: Tokiwa International Victimology Institute
Citation: 4 (2), December 2009
Notes:  This article presents findings from a survey of 77 US police officers about knowledge, needs and preferences on training to respond effectively to elder abuse, including domestic violence among older people. The findings include a comprehensive list of skills and areas that police identified needs in further training.
ISSN: 21566194
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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