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Record ID: 536f4a86-e510-4813-8bfe-77395586860f
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Type: Journal Article
Title: "And then he choked me": understanding and investigating strangulation
Other Titles: Update
Authors: Turkel, Allison
Keywords: Policing
Year: 2007
Publisher: American Prosecutors Research Institute's National Center for Prosection of Child Abuse
Citation: 20, 8
Notes:  General Overview: The author of this short article from the United States urges police and prosecutors to take allegations of strangulation seriously and provides guidance as to how to investigate these assaults.

Discussion: Victims of domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault frequently report that they were choked. The author notes that grabbing or squeezing the throat is actually strangulation, which carries a high risk of death. She outlines the physiology of strangulation and encourages prosecutors to arrange medical examination of the victim. Physical injuries and the details of the incident should be documented. Adult victims of strangulation and professionals who work with child abuse victims should be educated on the lethality of strangulation and how quickly they could die.
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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