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Record ID: 32eddcad-7fe2-4683-930a-d76e4aa288e4
Type: Journal Article
Title: "Safe from sell", the rights of survivors of trafficking
Other Titles: DVAR: Domestic violence, action and resources
Authors: Manning, Linda
Keywords: Human rights
Year: 2001
Publisher: Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
Citation: (11), August 2001
Notes:  Journal of the DVRC Inc.
Observations and experiences of Linda Manning, an Australian social worker appointed as a technical advisor to support the development of South East Asian organisations assisting women and children, who have survived being trafficked, upon returning to their own country. Utilising case studies and research data from Cambodia, the author sets the context for and raises some of the human rights issues involved with the trafficking and return of women and children, including children’s rights, cultural rights and the right to nationhood. Draws parallels with services for domestic violence victims and advocates for greater awareness of and support for trafficking survivors.
ISSN: 1329-900X
Appears in Collections:Journal Articles

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